
The Self-Esteem Quiz
How Do You Feel about Yourself?
- You just finished taking a quiz in your science course. How do you think you did?
- I did well; I could've done better, but I did well.
- I must say that I've got to study one of these days.
- So much for the selective graduate school I was thinking of applying for.
- A friend of yours asks if you'd ever consider a career as a writer. You say:
- Now there's an idea! Think of everything I could do with that!
- I was never good at writing and always did badly in English.
- Career?
- In front of you stands a ten foot wall which you must climb. You say to yourself:
- This is easy. I wonder if there's a real challenge.
- My cat wouldn't even be able to climb that!
- I think it's about to fall on me.
- Your friends just ditched you and you are not sure what to do next. You:
- Find new friends, though still being nice to those old ones.
- Hold a grudge against your old friends, trying to trip them any time they pass.
- Run home and cry for several hours, realizing you'll have to do the God Awful Thing: Rely on family members (ugh!)!
- After hurting your leg when skiing, you decide:
- Oh, well! I'd better just get up and keep going.
- My leg hurts! I'm stopping for this year!
- Skiing sucks! I never want to do it again in a million years.
50-70: Plan on a happy future! You'll lead a life better than some others!
80-110: You've got an entire life to do stuff. Don't waste it!
120-150: Relax. There's always a way to do something without it having to be the option you'd much rather not take. You're smarter than you think, too!
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