
The Pets Quiz
What Pet Would Be Right for You?
- You like pets who:
- Don't bother you any, just move around doing whatever.
- Protect you when needed.
- Do your work for you.
- You want a pet who can stay:
- In a tank or a cage.
- Free, maybe in a cage during the younger years.
- In any environment, small or large, wet or dry, hot or cold.
- You throw a ball to your pet, who comes in contact with the ball and then:
- Gets severely injured, or just very shocked and startled.
- Catches it.
- Catches it and throws it back.
- Life's not quite going your way, so you say things to your pet, and you expect him/her to:
- Not hear you, or not care about you.
- Though he/she wouldn't understand, he/she would tell you're upset and try to comfort you.
- Tell you it's okay and say comforting words to you.
- You take your pet somewhere where you climb a tree. You'd like your pet to:
- Sit and not move, just watch if he/she wants to.
- Watch you go up, though worried you might fall. He/She might follow, or try to.
- Climb up with you, helping you up near the top.
50-70: You should get a bird or fish.
80-120: You should get a dog or cat.
130-150: You should get real.
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