
The Creativity Quiz
Are You Very Creative?
- Let's say you have a pet bobcat. You name him:
- Rufus
- Bubsy
- Bob
- You've been let loose in a department store to buy clothes. You get:
- a well matching t-shirt to cover with a stylish sweatshirt, as well as a pair of nice jeans
that match.
- you see one of your acquaintances over in another department and you get his/her
almost exact outfit.
- the first thing you see, even if it doesn't fit or coordinate.
- Your church group asks you to make a poster for an up-coming event. You:
- buy the nicest looking ribbons and use quality poster board to make the best poster one's
ever seen.
- pull out the markers and throw something together within five minutes.
- on a white poster board you use pencil to draw a turkey, and maybe some detail about
the event.
- For your little sister's birthday you've been asked to set up the decorations for her, so you:
- put things all around, and they all have Snoopy on them which she likes.
- put some streamers, the colors coordinate, not to mention an angel food cake.
- procrastinate for a while, and when it's down to the last minute you take a piece of
notebook paper out of your binder and wish her a happy birthday.
- You're taking an English course and you have to write about how you spent Christmas.
- lavish the paper with details about your visit to your grandmother's house.
- say what you did with little or no enthusiasm.
- don't finish the assignment.
Rubric: a=10 b=20 c=30
50-80=You are very creative.
90-120= You're creative, but not that much.
130-150= Just remember this: You have a brain. Use it!
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