King's Quest 7
Name | Where It's Found | Character | Chapter Used | Use | Absolutely Necessary for Game Completion?* |
Comb | Start Out Possession | Valanice | 1, 3, and 5 | Make Valanice Cry, Show to Archduke of Falderal, See Vision of Rosella in Statuette | Yes |
Cloth | Cactus | Valanice | 1 | Hang on Stick to Distract Scorpion | No |
Stick | Beside Pool | Valanice | 1 | Whack Prickly Pear from Cactus, Attach to Cloth to Make Flag | Yes |
Basket | Little Cave | Valanice | 1 and 3 | Take Kernel, Trap Spider | Yes |
Clay Pot | Little Cave | Valanice | 1 and 3 | Carry Salt Water, Fresh Water, and Nectar | Yes |
Corn Kernel | Inside Basket | Valanice | 1 | Plant at Damp Sand | Yes |
Ear of Corn | Cornstalk | Valanice | 1 | Put in Statue's Hand | Yes |
Bug Reducing Powder | Gift from Colin Farwalker | Valanice | 1 | Shrink Giant Scorpion | No |
Rope | Gift from Colin Farwalker | Valanice | 1 | Set Between Two Cacti to Trip Jackalope | No |
Hunter's Horn | Beside Colin Farwalker's Skeleton | Valanice | 1 | Blow into Jackalope's Hole | No |
Kangaroo Rat's Glasses | Dropped after Tripping Jackalope OR Blowing Jackalope Out of His Hole | Valanice | 1 | Return to Kangaroo Rat | Yes |
Flag | Hang Cloth on Stick | Valanice | 1 | Distract Scorpion | No |
Arrow Key | Temple Puzzle | Valanice | 1 | Combine with Other Piece to Open Door | Yes |
Gourd Seed | Split Gourd | Valanice | 1 | Trade to Kangaroo Rat | Yes |
Blue Bead | Gift from Kangaroo Rat | Valanice | 1 | Drop into Offering Plate | Yes |
Arrow Top | Offering Plate | Valanice | 1 | Fit with Arrow Key and Put in Arrow-Shaped Slot | Yes |
Salt Crystals | Beside Pool | Valanice and Rosella | 3 and 4 | Eat to Enter Faux Shop | Yes |
Prickly Pear | Cactus | Valanice | 1 and 3 | Give to Gila Monster | Yes |
Mechanical Rat | Floor in Vulcanix Underground Scene with Mathilde | Rosella | 2 | Distract Chef, Scare Malicia | Yes |
Shield | Wall | Rosella | 2 | Use as Wheel for Cart | Yes |
Baked Beetles | Dispenser in Kitchen | Rosella | 2 | Give to Mathilde | Yes |
Brass Bowl | Kitchen Shelf | Rosella | 2 | Give to Mathilde So She Can Throw a Fit | No |
Gold Bowl | Kitchen Shelf | Rosella | 2 | Give to Mathilde with Emerald Water | Yes |
Emerald Water | Sulfur Cave | Rosella | 2 | Fill Gold Bowl | Yes |
Lantern | Sulfur Cave | Rosella | 2 | Hold Spark | Yes |
Spark | Blacksmith's Fire (put lantern on it) | Rosella | 2 | Give to Crystal Dragon | Yes |
Red Crystal | Gift from Crystal Dragon | Rosella | 2 | Give to Oppi Goldsworth | Yes |
Hammer and Chisel | Gift from Oppi Goldsworth | Rosella | 2 and 4 | Cut Crystal Dragon Scale, Free Black Cat, Cut Metal Grape | Yes |
Crystal Dragon Scale | Taken from Crystal Dragon's Tail | Rosella | 2 | Give to Mathilde | Yes |
Wet Sulfur | Sulfur Cave | Rosella | 2 | Throw into Blacksmith's Fire (after talking to mud bath women) | Yes |
Tongs | Blacksmith's Rack | Rosella | 2 | Throw Hot Case into Cool Water | Yes |
Silver Spoon | Hot Case | Rosella | 2 | Give to Mathilde | Yes |
Silver Pellet | Remains of Spoon after Mathilde's Spell | Rosella | 4 | Put in Stocking to Get Rid of WereBeast | Yes |
Dragon Toad | Falls out of Secret Passage with Rosella | Rosella | 2 and 4 | Give to Mathilde and King Otar | Yes |
Rope | Gift from Mathilde | Rosella | 2 | Attach to Elevator | Yes |
Treasure the China Bird | Cage in Falderal (talk to Fernando first) | Valanice | 3 | Return to Fernando the Bull | Yes |
China Mask | Gift from Fernando | Valanice | 3 | Wear in Masquerade, Trade in Faux Shop | Yes |
Statuette | Archduke's Office | Valanice | 3 and 5 | See Rosella's Progress, Give to Green Trader | Yes |
Wooden Nickel | Mockingbird's Nest | Valanice | 3 | Buy Book in Faux Shop | Yes |
Book | Faux Shop | Valanice | 3 | Trade to Kangaroo Rat | Yes |
Rubber Chicken | Faux Shop | Valanice | 3 and 5 | Take Feather, Fling Moon Back to Sky | Yes |
Feather | Take from Rubber Chicken | Valanice | 3 or 5 | Wake Feldspar (talk to Attis first) | Yes |
Nectar | Gift from Hummingbird | Valanice | 3 or 5 | Refill Statue by River | Yes |
Shepherd's Crook | Gift from Kangaroo Rat | Valanice | 3 | Grab Moon from Pool in Falderal | Yes |
Backbone | Kids' Pumpkin House | Rosella | 4 | Return to Dr. Cadaver | Yes |
Foot in a Bag | Kids' Pumpkin House | Rosella | 4 | Feed to Carnivorous Plants | Yes |
Weird Pet | Gift from Dr. Cadaver | Rosella | 4 | Give to Ghoul Kids | Yes |
Iggy the Rat | Saved from Ghoul Kids | Rosella | 4 | Return to the Gravedigger | Yes |
Gravedigger's Horn | Gift from Gravedigger | Rosella | 4 | Blow at Area with Bones (after talking to cat about it) | Yes |
Extra Life | Gift from Black Cat | Rosella | 6 | Give to Edgar at End of Game | No |
Magic Wand | Gift from King Otar | Rosella | 4 and 6 | Zap Otar into and from Scarab Form, Zap False Otar | Yes |
King Otar Scarab | King Otar's Disguised Form | Rosella | 4 | Just Hang On to Him | Yes |
Black Cloak | Appears in Graveyard | Rosella | 4 | Wear It in Ooga Booga | Yes |
Defoliant | Gift from Dr. Cadaver | Rosella | 4 | Kill Swamp Monster, Ward Off Cuddles | Yes |
Shovel | Beside Gravedigger's Shed | Rosella | 4 | Dig Tunnel Under Malicia's House | Yes |
Wool Stocking | Malicia's Dresser Drawer | Rosella | 4 | Fling Pellet at WereBeast, Wipe Mirror-Room Message | Yes |
Mysterious Device | Malicia's Dresser Drawer | Rosella | 4 and 6 | Plug into Socket in Volcano Control Room | Yes |
Metal Grape | Wall in Mirror-Room | Rosella | 4 | Give to Cherub Statue | Yes |
Moon | Falderal Fountain | Valanice | 5 | Fling Back into Sky via Rubber Chicken | Yes |
Jackalope Fur | Cactus by Jackalope Hole OR Cactus by Path | Valanice | 1 and 5 | Add to Salve | Yes |
Salve | Gift from Green Trader | Valanice | 5 | Add Jackalope Fur to It, Rub on Self, and Become a Swift Jackalope | Yes |
Bone | Kids' Pumpkin House | Valanice | 5 | Give to Dog (talk to cat first) | Yes |
Dynamite Stick | Dropped by Ghoul Kid | Valanice | 5 | Stick in Lock on Horseman's Tomb | Yes |
Medal | Gift from Dog | Valanice | 5 | Give to Lady Tsepish | Yes |
Horseman's Head | Tomb | Valanice | 5 | Give to Headless Horseman | Yes |
Flute | Gift from Horseman | Valanice | 5 | Play to Call Horse for Ride to Etheria | Yes |
Ambrosia | Top of Etheria | Valanice | 5 | Replenish Cornucopia, Give to Little Fairies | Yes |
Pomegranate | Inside Replenished Cornucopia | Valanice | 5 | Give to Lord Attis to Save Lady Ceres | Yes |
Dreamcatcher | Gift from Fates | Valanice | 5 | Catch Nightmare in Dreamweaver's Cave, Unleash Nightmare on Other Nightmare | Yes |
Rug | Gift from Dreamweaver | Valanice | 5 | Fly to Dreamland | Yes |
Crystal Shaft | Malicia's Lamp | Valanice | 5 | Fill with Sunlight (desert temple), Give to Queen Mab | Yes |
Bridle | Gift from Queen Mab | Valanice | 5 | Catch Wind | Yes |
*=The necessity of items here is based on starting from Chapter 1 and playing through. KQ1   |